Improving Michigan’s Brownfield Redevelopment Act

Improving Michigan’s Brownfield Redevelopment Act

Below, I summarize the main changes, and the rationale for those changes.

These include:

Administrative Updates

A couple of additional amendments are noteworthy:

A few other minor changes include:

  • Renaming the “Local Site Remediation Revolving Fund” to “Local Brownfield Revolving Fund”.
  • Setting the amount to be reimbursed for the costs of the brownfield plan and 381 work plan preparation to $30,000.
  • Setting the amount to be reimbursed for the costs of the brownfield plan, work plan and tracking, recording and compliance costs up to $30,000.
  • Both MDEQ and MSF have 60 days to review a complete work plan. Prior to this, MSF had 65 days and MDEQ had 60 days.
  • The requirement to describe the cost gap between a brownfield and a greenfield site in an Act 381 work plan has been removed. This is due to the much more rigorous cost vetting that occurs when projects are being considered for support by the agencies, making this unnecessary.