Fueling Station Redevelopment, Hampshire, IL

Environmental Remediation and underground storage tank services for fueling station in Illinois.


AKT Peerless provided environmental consulting services to a business partnership consisting of a real estate investment firm and a regional convenience store chain to facilitate the acquisition and redevelopment of a 50-year-old truck stop property into a new filling station and convenience store.   

The property was originally developed as a truck stop in the late 1960s and had utilized multiple USTs during its operations.  Four separate Leaking UST (LUST) incidents were previously reported at the subject property.  All of the LUST incidents were previously addressed and received risk-based regulatory closure from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) LUST Program, which allowed certain subsurface contaminants to remain in place with the implementation of institutional controls designed to prevent future human exposure



AKT Peerless was originally contracted to provide environmental due diligence services prior to the acquisition of the subject property.  During the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), AKT Peerless recommended an investigation be performed to determine current subsurface environmental conditions.  Multiple soil and groundwater samples were collected from the subject property and submitted to an environmental laboratory for analysis.  The laboratory results indicated contaminants were present at concentrations exceeding those permitted to remain in place by the Illinois EPA, which potentially indicated evidence of a new release from the in-place UST systems.  

Following the acquisition of the subject property, AKT Peerless contacted the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) to report a new petroleum release from the existing UST systems and later coordinated and oversaw their removal, during which time evidence of a new release was confirmed.

AKT Peerless later prepared a hazardous building material survey prior to demolition of the existing subject buildings; developed a construction soil management plan; and provided soil management oversight and coordination during redevelopment.


AKT Peerless’ wide-range of environmental and construction-related services allows our clients to make informed and economical business decisions during the acquisition and development phases of environmentally impacted properties.

Specifically, AKT Peerless:

·        Coordinated and oversaw the remove and proper disposal of approximately 1,100 cubic yards of impacted soil and 6,500 gallons of impacted, perched groundwater;

·        Performed subsurface soil and groundwater investigations to characterize the nature, extent and migration potential of subsurface contamination;

·        Completed LUST Program reporting requirements that demonstrated subsurface contamination remaining at the subject property could be managed in-place under the existing institutional controls, which resulted in regulatory closure of the LUST incident; and

·        Completed LUST program Reimbursement Applications, which recouped approximately 80% of fees utilized to address the former USTs

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